Save the dates for DUCC CAMP!

What is DUCC Camp? Our new joint camp week between the Disciples of Christ and the UCC: DUCC (quack-quack!)

REGISTRATION: We plan to have registration up and running sometime in February, and will be announcing the deadline dates in the next week or two

WHERE? We'll be staying at Emmanuel Pines Camp in Prescott. Yea!

SPACE: With the anticipated DOUBLING of our camp participation, there may be capacity limits this year. (Wow! What a problem!) So, the EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE will not only keep your price low, but will get you a space. If we run out of space in any of the camps, we will start a waiting list.

THEME: "BE THE SPARK!" Sometimes our world can be a dark place. Sometimes our lives can feel disconnected and lonely. Remember - "It only takes a spark to get a fire going, and soon all those around can warm up in it's glowing!" So...BE THE SPARK!

COST: We anticipate the cost will be the same or similar as last year.

SOW THE SEED: Please start now in your churches to plan for a SOW the SEED fund offering to assist with camp scholarships!