Rev. Susan J. Quass steps down as Executive Director of New Mexico Conference of Churches

Dear Friends,

This is to announce my retirement as the Executive Director of the New Mexico Conference of Churches. While my faith in the vital mission of the Conference continues unabated, I am leaving on December 31, 2019, for another call. In the new year, I will become the primary caregiver for my Mother (92) who is experiencing progressively worsening dementia.

Since joining the Conference of Churches on April 1, 2017, I have valued the wide spectrum of ministry accomplished by the churches of New Mexico. It has been a privilege to represent the New Mexico Conference and to engage with the churches and people of faith in celebrating Christian unity and working for the common good. A particular honor has been the work with Native Americans and other leaders in addressing the on-going impacts of the Christian Doctrine of Discovery.

As I depart, I am keenly aware that I owe a great debt to the NMCC Board, and to elders, deacons, clergy and a multitude Rev. Dr. Kay E. Huggins of Christian lay leaders and volunteers who make the work of the Conference possible. I am appreciative of the close collaboration I have had with so many across our state.

Going forward, I pray the New Mexico Conference of Churches will continue to joyfully witness to unity in Jesus Christ and serve him in enhancing the common good. Please join me in supporting the New Mexico Conference of Churches with your prayers. If you are so moved, please make a year-end gift to the Conference to send a message of your support as we make this transition.

Grace and Peace, Rev. Susan J. Quass

The New Mexico Conference of Churches (NMCC) has called as its Interim Executive Director, the Rev. Dr. Kay E. Huggins. Kay brings extensive experience in both local church leadership and the ecumenical movement.

Kay's appointment was announced on Monday, December 2nd, at the annual leadership retreat of the NMCC Board. Kay begins her work on January 1, 2020.

In addition to hiring an Interim Executive Director, the Board has initiated a period of reflection on the identity and purpose of the Conference. This will be carried out during the first half of 2020. The Conference will be contracting with a consultant to design and implement a reflection process in the new year.

“I am grateful for all the ways Rev. Susan Quass has nurtured, grown, and advanced the mission of the New Mexico Conference of Churches. I have assured her that she is in our prayers as she steps into her new path ahead.

“Rev. Dr. Kay Huggins has previously guided the NMCC through transition with non-anxious and visionary leadership. I am confident in her leadership as the NMCC enters this time for discernment.” - Rev. Bill Lyons