Eli Johnson leaving the conference staff

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The Southwest Conference bids Eli Johnson farewell with our good wishes as he leaves the conference staff to become Human Resources Trainer with the Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community. Eli has served the SWC for more than three years, first in Relational Communications and then as the Assistant to the Conference Minister. 

Eli wants the SWC to know, "Grateful does not begin to describe the feeling I hold for the Southwest Conference UCC and the opportunity to serve for the past three plus years. The immeasurable opportunities for growth and supportive nature of the office and community at large have been beyond extravagantly welcoming. Working collaboratively, innovatively, and purposefully towards a vision of justice are all attributes I will certainly carry with me throughout my career. Thank you to Bill, Barb, Liana, and Wende as well as the SWC members and churches for these wonderful years. Thank you!"  

The SWC has benefited from Eli’s many gifts and talents. He shepherded the conference through the transition to integrated digital communication and membership management. We owe him our thanks for expanding the office’s capacity to serve our churches by improving our efficiency.

“Working with Eli has been a blessing and a joy! We will miss him in the office very much, even as we are glad for him and wish him every blessing in the opportunities opening up to him through this change,” said Conference Minister Bill Lyons.

To share your words of appreciation and gratitude with Eli, you may email him at epjohnson15@gmail.com

Eli’s last day in the office is May 31. The posting for Executive Assistant to the Conference Minister is available online HERE - to apply, send a cover letter and resume to applications@uccswc.org - please indicate “assistant to the conference minister position.”