Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: Thank you

Dear Friends in Christ,

I have received many warm greetings from attendees throughout the state, who were deeply moved by the services held in your local communities, and it is all due to your commitment to living ecumenism.

We’ve posted photos from our Primary Celebration at www.MayAllBeOne.org, along with 2021 dates, a sign-up for our newsletter, and links to media reports on the WPCU, which I’ve also shared below.

The Catholic Sun


From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all you did to make the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2020 so meaningful to so many, and for all you do throughout the year to put the words of John 17:21 into action; That They May All Be One.

Yours in our Common Lord,

Rev. Rock Fremont, Chair

Arizona Week of Prayer for Christian Unity