More on SOAR: Coming up on March 7


On Saturday, March 7, the Southwest Conference is having a conversation that will determine the future of our shared mission and ministry for the next 3-5 years. You are an important voice in that conversation as:

  • Your congregation’s Mission and Church Vitality Committee (MCVC) representative

  • A member of one of the SWC’s standing committees

  • A clergy person in the Southwest Conference

Our facilitator, Jackie Stavros, literally wrote the book on building strength-based strategies that inspire innovation and engagement. At the end of the day, you will receive all of the data from our time together. And you will take home a method to use at church, at work, at school, at home, and in your communities to help you stay focused on positive opportunities that get results. Oh, and your voice will be one of the voices that shape the ministry of the Southwest Conference and crafts our preferred shared future.

Check out Jackie’s article about Conversations Worth Having to get a glimpse of the day we are about to spend together.

If the link does not load, just go to @JackieStavros on Twitter and the article is pinned there for your review.

We will be using Appreciative Inquiry (AI) approach and SOAR framework to guide us through the day with a discovery of strengths and opportunities, dreaming of our future, designing strategic initiatives based on our aspirations, and addressing meaningful results

Familiarize yourself with Appreciative Inquiry (AI) 

You can download the Preface and Introduction of the book: Conversations Worth Having: Using Appreciative Inquiry to Fuel Productive and Meaningful Engagement

Learn more about SOAR

Travel Pool funds are available to help defray travel costs for lay members and for clergy who do not have a travel reimbursement from their ministry settings. The day meets requirements for continuing education for ministerial standing in the SWC. Still not sure? Ask the SWC Executive Board member in your area about their experience with SOAR last weekend.