Cynthia VerDuin to step down as SWC treasurer

Cynthia VerDuin is stepping down as SWC treasurer at the end of September. Before she was Conference Treasurer, Cynthia was instrumental in the SWC's transition to Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures. She assisted with an audit during a staff transition, and worked with staff closely to implement changes recommended in that process. 

“In addition to fulfilling her bylaws responsibilities as treasurer,” notes Conference Minister Bill Lyons, “Cynthia shared her expertise and wisdom with the staff and I about accounting procedures for nonprofits. She was instrumental in reestablishing our financial systems in the SWC office after a brief period of outsourcing them. None of us could have expected where the journey would have taken us or how much time, energy, and learning would be required. I am also grateful for her commitment to and work as a faithful and courageous board member.”

The nominating committee has begun the search for a new SWC treasurer. If you or someone you know is a Southwest Conference member with accounting, nonprofit financial management, and/or banking qualifications and experience, please send a cover letter and resume to our Conference Minister’s email address ( to be forwarded to the nominating committee. They ask your prayers as they endeavor to fill this leadership position expeditiously.