Week of Prayer and Pilgrimage for Christian Unity

Once again the New Mexico Pilgrimage for Unity will join with NM Conference of Churches, the Ecumenical Institute for Ministry, and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe to provide a COVID-safe way for Christians to express and experience Christian Unity through walking and praying. We use the materials provided through the Graymoor Ecumenical and Inter-religious Institute. This years prayer service and daily devotions come from the Council of Churches in Lebanon and includes voices from the Orthodox, as well as Roman Catholic and Protestant traditions. The theme is “We saw the star in the East, and we came to worship him.” Mt. 2:2

For the pilgrimage, small groups and individuals are encouraged to plan their own prayerful walk — destination, duration and difficulty — and to share the online electronic resources of daily devotional videos and pilgrimages aids, as well as opening and closing Zoom worship services. Over the past year, we have gathered a community of pilgrims, several from out of state, who have participated in four pilgrimages. Last year there were 140+ registered for the Week of Prayer and Pilgrimage.

We hope you will encourage your congregations to participate; the benefits are surprisingly lasting.

Pray for peace among Christians and all people of good will…our witness is crucial.

Thank you for joining us and for sharing this Save the Date announcement.

Peace, Kay Huggins, Interim director, NM Pilgrimage for Unity

Download the flyer here.

Explore more and receive updates by joining Unity email group: http://nmpilgrimage.org/contact.html