Gratitude and Care for our ministries together!

From Acting Conference Minister / Associate Conference Minister, Rev. Dr. Barb Doerrer-Peacock:

Dear colleagues and ministry partners,

I am giving thanks for all of you, your faithful work and creative commitment to our congregations and community ministries in the Southwest Conference, as we work together in this time of (new and ongoing!) transition! I pray that our Thanksgiving observances will hold in creative tension, the blessings of family gatherings, deep gratitude, humble remembrances and authentic repentance for all the myriad of meaning and history this holiday holds for us as a nation and as a denomination.

I also want to pass on a communication I've received from both the Council of Conference Ministers and the Alliance of Associate Conference Ministers.

The last few years have been exhausting for our authorized ministers serving the local church and in specialized ministries. The pandemic changed how we serve our people and forced many to pivot quickly into new ways of doing ministry. At this point, it feels like we are on the other side of the peak of pandemic and yet the enervation remains.

The Alliance of Associate Conference Ministers and the Council of Conference Ministers have witnessed the weariness experienced by our authorized ministers and have come together to offer a pastoral letter of care and concern for our colleagues. Grounded in the words from Matthew 14:23, the need for rest and renewal for our leaders who serve God’s people is uplifted. Also provided are resources for clergy and their congregational leaders to consider in making the space and time for clergy renewal. Both of these are attached to this email. We pray our words allow your exhaustion to be seen and hope to empower you claim the space for sabbath renewal.

