Antoinette Brown Award Nominations Deadline Extended to February 14! What outstanding clergywomen can you nominate from our Conference? We’re challenging every conference to nominate two or more women and one church-related organization to receive an Antoinette Brown Society Award! Celebrating the life and ministry of Antoinette Brown and all women in ordained ministry, nominations for the Antoinette Brown Award are open until February 14, 2023.
Nominees for Trailblazers will be ordained clergywomen in the UCC who honor Antoinette Brown’s vision of women’s calling to leadership in church and society. We seek to honor exceptional current work as well as lifetime achievement, with an emphasis on forging a path for women in ministry.
Nominees for Catalysts will be projects, collectives, congregations, or organizations that provide a provocative space that advances and empowers women in ministry.
A persuasive nomination will offer a detailed account of the nominee’s leadership; use additional pages as needed. A minimum of three letters of support, as well as any supporting documentation, may be attached to the nomination form, which can be found at or as email attachments to accompany the nomination. Visit the ABS webpage for more information and to support the work of the Antoinette Brown Society.
Awardees will receive recognition at General Synod, and provide leadership at a Clergywomen’s Gathering in Spring of 2024.