Reluctant to Ask Questions?

10 am on May 29

Fair Trade Café, 1020 N 1st Ave, Phoenix Arizona

The Southwest Conference’s commissioned minister Gordon Street’s new monthly coffee chat, “What’s Brewing?” is a safe gathering to ask questions or just sip your beverage and listen!

You’re not alone, many people are reluctant to share questions and doubts.  Perhaps you worry that you will look stupid, faithless, or even heretical! You are not! Faith and doubt go hand in hand. Faith cannot grow without asking hard questions, most of which seem to evade all answers, and then be willing to hear the answers.

Gordon Street III, a commissioned minister with the Southwest Conference, is organizing coffee chats designed to create a safe space for questions and doubts. Anything goes. The coffee chats will explore a wide variety of faith traditions and spirituality in general. Many chats will have guest speakers. 

The first guest speaker is Rev. Dr. Toni Hawkins, the new transitional Conference Minister for the Southwest Conference of the UCC.  She will talk about “Being Blessed. What Does That Really Mean?” Please join Dr. Hawkins and Gordon Street in an informal and unstructured setting to ask those burning questions.