News from Global H.O.P.E.
a Ministry Team of the United Church of Christ's Wider Church Ministries
This month, Global H.O.P.E.'s Refugee and Migration Services, alongside the UCC National Collaborative on Immigration, released the updated Immigrant Welcoming Congregations Toolkit: Immigrant Welcoming Congregations - United Church of Christ ( This resource includes a suggested action plan for immigration ministries of the UCC as well as a wide range of options for engagement. The new toolkit was introduced live during a Wednesdays with the World webinar that aired on May 17. Included was an invitation to join the UCC National Collaborative on Immigration.
During this webinar ((1) Becoming an Immigrant Welcoming Church - YouTube), churches were provided information about formally joining the network. There is a national village of Immigrant Welcoming Churches across the UCC, and we welcome you to collaborate with us.
Refugee and Migration Services and the UCC National Collaborative on Immigration will be joining together again at General Synod to offer a workshop entitled “Immigration at the Border and the UCC Response.”
As many changes have occurred this year in US policy regarding the reception of refugees and asylum seekers, churches will benefit from hearing updated information on the UCC’s border response and how they can help. The workshop will be offered at 3 pm on Saturday, July 1, in Indianapolis.
Refugee and Migration Services extends abundant gratitude to churches that create community ESL programs.
Beth Ronk, Portland First Congregational UCC, teaching an ESL class that PFCUCC created for Afghan women using a Global HOPE grant
To our knowledge, there are at least 8 ESL programs facilitated or supported by local UCC churches across the country. ESL programs not only provide important language skills; they also have immeasurable empowerment effects for women. In most countries of origin that refugees are forced to leave, women exist in a “village” that shares their workload, childcare, and social wellness with other women. Upon arriving to the United States, this vital community is often lost, which can create extreme hardship for them. Many of the churches that have built ESL programs across the life of the UCC recognize this difficulty and intentionally design their programs to allow women access to friendships, childcare, and a general sense of feeling supported and valued in their new neighborhoods. We at Team Global HOPE deeply appreciate the churches engaged in these ministries and the importance that they provide for the lives of new immigrants. If you have an ESL program you currently operate or seek to open and would like to be considered for financial support, please review Global HOPE’s Migrant Community Program Seed Grant here (
The power of coming together:
Collaboration was the theme at National VOAD Conference
Disaster responders, communicators and coordinators gathered May 8-11 in St. Louis for the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) conference, “Gateway to Collaboration.” Attendees from religious and secular organizations from around the country, along with representatives from government agencies such as FEMA, heard the latest disaster response initiatives in the various workshops and presentations offered throughout the four-day event. What was just as important as the plethora of information, though, was for VOAD members to meet in-person once again.
“It was good having the family back together,” said the Rev. Karl Jones. Jones, who serves as a Conference Disaster Coordinator for the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference as well as the communications coordinator for Pennsylvania VOAD, noted that the pandemic Zoom years were “doable” because of the established relationships among VOAD members. Yet, he added, as staffs shift and new volunteers join, the opportunity to meet face-to-face is not only refreshing, but also vital in the building of trust and rapport needed in the collaborative work of disaster response and rebuilding. “Especially as climate-related disasters are becoming more frequent,” said Jones. “Getting to know one another, networking with others and having the chance to talk with FEMA representatives has never been so important.”
The Rev. Greg Denk, a Conference Disaster Coordinator (CDC) for the Indiana Kentucky Conference, agrees. Denk, a retired pastor who says responding to disasters had always been part of his call in the parish — offering prayers for impacted communities and rallying parishioners to participate in a multitude of volunteer opportunities — now has a sole mission walking alongside communities after the news cameras have stopped filming. “The work of rebuilding is a long process,” said Denk. Take for example, the ongoing work of repairing homes after a tornado struck Mayfield, Kentucky in December 2021. Denk expects to be in Mayfield for “at least another five years.” The homes, he said, are being rebuilt through a local program called “New Lease on Life,” which gives locals the opportunity to finally own a home.
“Mayfield had a high number of renters before the tornado. This program is one way in which the community can come back stronger,” said Denk, adding, “The work we do is all about rebuilding a better community.”
Denk credits the partnerships formed in VOAD with helping him do a better job as a CDC. While only the second time attending a VOAD conference, he found it once again “eye-opening.”
“I have learned that recovery begins locally and ends locally,” said Denk, observing that the danger is always to bring one’s own ideas — and ego — into a community, rather than listening to how that community wants to recover. “How do they want to rebuild? What is sustainable? If you listen intently to those you are helping, then you will be a lot better at what you do,” said Denk. The 2024 National VOAD conference will be held in Phoenix, May 6-9. To learn more, go to:
UCC Hiring Minister for Disaster Response and Recovery
Global H.O.P.E. seeks its next Minister for Disaster Response and Recovery. Qualified candidates are sought, with a rolling deadline to apply. More information and application are available online.
Looking for a 2023 Volunteer Work Trip? UCC Ministry Opportunities has work trips available. Let us know if there are Volunteer Work Trips in your Conference we might add to this list!
Disaster Ministries Invites all Conferences and Congregations to join the Willing to Response Network Today!
With the increasing number of disasters across the United States, more Conferences and Congregations are considering what to do, how best to respond and how to plan. Willing to Respond is a great way to get started and take just a few moments to join.
The reality is that disasters and emergencies can happen for many reasons- natural, climate induced, technological and other human causes including gun violence. This past year, a team of Conference Disaster Coordinators (CDC) developed a number of helpful planning tools Resources - United Church of Christ ( for congregations use to be ready in case of an emergency. These plans and much more can be found in the Willing to Respond Network-
Contact SWC CDC Gloria Smith Most conferences have an active Conference Disaster Coordinator and teams to assist you in times of disaster they are available to meet with congregations to help prepare, encourage volunteer opportunities and build our UCC readiness to respond and recover from disasters. Please connect with your Conference Disaster Coordinator soon- before disaster strikes and join the Willing to Respond Network Today!
About Global H.O.P.E.
Part of the UCC's Wider Church Ministries, the Global H.O.P.E. team brings into close synergy Disaster Ministries, Refugee and Migration Ministries, Volunteer Engagement and Sustainable Development.
Global H.O.P.E. distributes One Great Hour of Sharing offerings, stewarding gifts to OGHS and humanitarian appeals on behalf of the wider church. H.O.P.E. makes clear the team's vision: Humanitarian. Opportunities. Progress. Empowerment.
Rev. Joshua Baird, Global H.O.P.E. Team Leader
Rev. Irene W. Hassan, Minister for Refugees and Migration
Rev. Craig Hoffman, Program Assistant
(vacant) Minister for Disaster Response and Recovery
(vacant), Minister for Volunteer Engagement
Key links
Global H.O.P.E.
2022 Grants from Global H.O.P.E..
Disaster Ministries
Disaster Updates
Refugee and Migration Ministries
Refugee Emergency Updates
Volunteer Ministries
UCC Ministry Opportunities