Tuesdays, from July 25th through August 22nd, 6:60 - 8:00 pm via Zoom
Join the AFN community for an 18-month series on religious nationalism. This series follows the successful in-person events on Christian Nationalism held in June, 2023. The new section starts with a five-part film series based on Joel Goza's latest book: "America’s Unholy Ghosts: The Racist Roots of Our Faith and Politics."
The series is broken down to explore religious nationalism’s impact on each of us. We’ll watch films and read books to include in-depth conversations followed by in-person trainings on how to engage with those who believe differently than we do.
We’ll be learning alongside one another as well as with local religious leaders, scholars, and artists on how to recognize religious nationalism broadly, how each of us embody the impacts of religious nationalism, and finally how to engage in productive conversations and care for those who believe differently.