#GiveOUTDay: Support the Open and Affirming Coalition Today!

From the UCC Open and Affirming Coalition:

Join Us for #GiveOUTDay and Our #Pride Fundraiser!


We are excited to announce that the Open and Affirming Coalition is participating in #GiveOUTDay, the only national giving event for the LGBTQ+ community. This is our chance to make a real difference and we need the help of our amazing supporters to reach our goals!

Donations are now being accepted and every contribution counts. Not only do your donations directly support our work, but they also help us compete for Leaderboard prizes through friendly competitions with other LGBTQ+ organizations! These are thousands of additional dollars awarded to organizations with the most unique donors in their category. Your donation could be the one that helps us win!

 How you can help:

  • Donate: Every dollar and every donor make a difference.

  • Start a Fundraiser: Take it a step further by starting your own fundraiser for us and rallying your friends and family to support the cause.

Let's show the power of our community and make this #GiveOUTDay one to remember. Together, we can continue to create a world that is truly Open to and Affirming of everyone.

 Click here to donate or start a fundraiser: https://www.giveoutday.org/organization/Ona

 Thank you for your support and for standing with us in pride and solidarity!

 #GiveOUTDay #PrideFundraiser #LGBTQ #OpenAndAffirming #SupportAndDonate