Faith Leaders: Sign On to Stand with Immigrant Youth

from Jen Smyers, Director of Policy and Advocacy, Immigration and Refugee Program, Church World Service

Right now, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is under an immediate, existential threat. In spite of President Trump’s prior statements that he would protect dreamers, he could terminate DACA in the next 60 days, turning our nation’s back on immigrant youth who are valued members of our communities. The consequences of repealing DACA would be severe and profound, as it would put the nearly 800,000 dreamers at immediate risk of deportation.

We are asking faith leaders and faith organizations to sign on to this letter urging President Trump to live up to his word and keep the DACA program intact.

DACA has allowed young people to pursue their dreams, live without fear of deportation in the country they call home, and invest in their future and in the future of our country. Ending DACA would be morally reprehensible, denying hundreds of thousands of young people the chance to pursue their dreams. As communities of faith, we stand with our immigrant brothers and sisters and call on our leaders to champion programs that reflect the dignity, welcome, and opportunity to flourish that they deserve.

We invite the faith community, including faith leaders and faith organizations, to join us and sign this letter to call on the administration to keep DACA in place. 

Terminating DACA is wrong and cruel. The DACA program grants a work permit and protects young immigrants from deportation. All over the country, the DACA program has allowed young people to work, buy homes, and obtain a driver’s license or state ID. DACA recipients are mothers, fathers, teachers, nurses, lawyers, scientists, and leaders of a new generation of Americans. The repeal of DACA would end the American dreams of thousands of immigrant youth who worship in our pews, study in our schools, and work in our communities -- and it would devastate their families. Sign on today!

Our national leaders need to hear the same message. The threat to DACA reflects a trend by the administration to target our immigrant and refugee neighbors. Congress is considering measures to significantly expand immigration detention and deportation, while reducing funding for refugee protection and resettlement. Call your Members of Congress and tell them to reflect our nation's values of compassion, hospitality, and welcome.

Please call 3 times to connect with your Representative and both of your Senators

Sample Script: “I’m your constituent from [CITY/TOWN], and I  urge you to do everything in your power to urge the administration to keep the DACA program intact. My community welcomes refugees and immigrants, and I urge you to reflect the best of our American values of compassion and welcome.

We must live up to our nation’s proclaimed values of hospitality and opportunity for those seeking a better life.

Thank you for all your work and support!