Hold Congress Accountable in the Fight Against Climate Change

Right now, climate scientists, political leaders, activists and policy experts have gathered together at COP24 (Conference of the Parties) in Katowice, Poland to determine concrete next steps to address the climate crisis. This conference is a follow up from the landmark Paris Agreement, which was issued three years ago by world leaders to combat climate change.  While the United States was initially a key signatory of the Paris Agreement, in 2017 President Trump announced the United States’ withdrawal from the agreement.

In spite of recent reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control and the National Climate Assessment, the President and some congressional leaders continue to deny any threat of climate change. Not only that, the Administration is actively taking steps to roll back environmental protections and limit the ability of the federal government to respond to climate change. Climate science demonstrates, and our lived experience shows us, global warming will most devastatingly impact low income and poor communities, as many will be displaced due to rising sea levels and the inability to grow food for their families.

Congregations and members of the United Church of Christ are lifting up Love of Creation as part of the UCC Three Great Loves Campaign. As people of faith, we have a moral responsibility to pursue and sustain environmental justice for all life. We are called to be partners in the creation and redemption of the world. Part of living out that call is holding Congress accountable in advancing policy solutions to protect our environment. Congress also needs to work to hold the Administration accountable for decimating environmental protections including lifting restrictions on green-house gas emissions, allowing for drilling for oil and in wildlife protection zones and myriad other measures taken that ignore the science and truth of climate change.

Let’s take action now and demand a viable future for all who inhabit this beautiful world. Contact your member of Congress and urge them to stand against climate change and enact thoughtful and substantive legislation that protects the environment and shores up our nation’s ability to react to the changing climate. This can be done by joining the Climate Solutions Caucus, engaging in vigorous oversight of Administrative action or introducing and supporting legislation such as the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act.