Advent Yard Sign for Refugee/Asylum Solidarity

Lawn Sign for Your Church #WelcomeRefugees #WelcomeAsylumSeekers #WelcomeChrist

Advent is nearly upon us and God has created for us a kairos moment – a moment when we see images of families and children at our own border asking for safety and shelter, *just* as we are entering into a time of remembering the birth of the Christ child and that the Holy family themselves were forced to flee to Egypt to escape state-sponsored violence that targeted the most vulnerable. If there was ever a moment to remind our community that Jesus was a refugee, an asylum-seeker, a migrant – it is now.

There are many things we can do, and you are already doing them, all over the country. UCC Refugee Ministries created this simple lawn sign resource to support you in your ministry of welcome this Advent.  Share the story of Jesus’ birth and proclaim to your neighbors that when we welcome refugees, when we welcome asylum-seekers, we are welcoming Christ.

In the weeks to come, stay connected to UCC Refugee Ministries and the UCC National Collaborative on Immigration, and keep migrants, asylum-seekers, refugees and border patrol officers in your prayers.

Yours in Christ,

Amanda K. Sheldon

Program Associate, UCC Refugee Ministries & UCC Disaster Ministries