The Urgency of Now - Climate Change and Ecological Ethics

There IS Such a Thing as Too Late

Sun, January 6, 2019, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM MST

Arizona Foundation for Contemporary Theology and Arizona Interfaith Power & Light present Rev. Dr. Mark Y. A. Davies, Wimberly Professor of Social and Ecological Ethics and Director of the World House Institute for Social and Ecological Responsibility at Oklahoma City University in a call to urgent action and ecological sustainability in the face of escalating climate change.

“We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there “is” such a thing as being too late. This is no time for apathy or complacency. This is a time for vigorous and positive action.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.