Have you made your plans for Faith Climate Action Week yet? Save the date for April 5-14, 2019. This year we will find joy and rejuvenation in the natural world and reconnect to why we love and protect our planet. When we protect the climate we can help both our communities and our natural world thrive. This is our premier event to connect our religious values with climate action and get climate sermons preached from the pulpit!
In addition to our sample sermons on caring for Creation and the climate, we’ll have resources and links for the national prayer, music, postcards for our U.S. Senators, how to lead an outdoor experience, and more to help involve and educate your congregation on protecting the climate.
Sign up now and be the first to access the free downloadable kit, or to order the limited hard copies. Meanwhile, you can explore the website for inspiration.
You can make an even bigger difference by reaching out to others in your community and encouraging them to participate. If we all do that, we’ll reach countless new people in faith communities across the country, which will build our capacity and our collective power to reduce our carbon footprint and protect Creation.
Please click here to reserve a copy of your 2019 Faith Climate Action Week kit today. Thank you for showing your love for Creation during Earth Month.
We are excited to have you join the event.
Kari Chinn
Community Engagement and Programs Manager
Interfaith Power & Light