From Rev. Noel Andersen
National Grassroots Coordinator
Immigration and Refugee Program
Church World ServiceOn March 29th, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced that it will detain pregnant women as standard practice - a marked departure from ICE’s former policy to presumptively release pregnant women from detention. Detention profoundly harmful to the health of pregnant women and their unborn babies. Many women have fled violence and abuse - we should be welcoming them, not locking them up.
It is critical our Members of Congress hear that their constituents oppose the detention of pregnant women and that we urge them to call on ICE to stop this practice and restore a presumption of release.
Here are the top 3 ways to take action:
- Faith Leaders: Sign on to this letter by COB on Friday, April 20th urging ICE to stop detaining pregnant women.
- Call Congress: Click to demand that Congress stop ICE from detaining pregnant women. Here's an example of what to say: “I’m your constituent from [CITY/TOWN], and [as a person of faith] I urge you to do everything in your power to ensure that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) does not detain pregnant women. Immigration detention is unsafe and detrimental to the health of pregnant women and their unborn children. I call on you to cut ICE funding so that they cannot implement recently announced policy changes to detain more pregnant women. My community welcomes immigrants, and I urge you to do the same."
- Amplify on Social Media: Tweet at your Senators & Representatives. Here are some sample social media posts
Thank you for your work, and please share this email with your networks!
- [@SENATOR/REPRESENTATIVE]: Detaining pregnant women is immoral and should not be standard practice. I call on you to urge ICE to return to its former policy of presumptively releasing pregnant women from detention.
- .[@SENATOR/REPRESENTATIVE]: Immigration detention is no place for a pregnant woman, and is a detriment to the health of future mothers and their unborn children. Release pregnant women from unsanitary, unsafe detention centers.
- .[@SENATOR/REPRESENTATIVE]: As my representative I urge you to stop ICE from detaining pregnant women.