"The news from the courts regarding immigration and undocumented residents is unwelcome and unwelcoming. Our Gospel message of love and inclusion, that God calls us to “fear not” living as we share our privileges and blessings, is needed more than ever!" - Conference Minister, Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons
Last year, the Todo Tucson ID Campaign ramped up its efforts to push the city council to implement a city-wide Municipal ID. This ID would be available to undocumented people and other marginalized groups who don’t have the correct documents for a state-issued identification. Almost 20 U.S. cities and counties have issued a similar ID. The campaign is led by the Southside Worker Center and other undocumented leaders. As they meet with city councilors this spring, we need a strong showing of supporting organizations.
So far, these churches have signed on to support the campaign: St. Mark’s Presbyterian, Southside Presbyterian, Most Holy Trinity, First Christian Church, Grace St. Paul’s Episcopal, Eastside Covenant Church, and Mountain Vista UU. Will yours join? Respond to this e-mail with questions!