Poor People's Campaign in Arizona

We received this message from a friend of the Southwest Conference, Dave Coatsworth:

Friends, you are receiving this message because you have expressed interest in the Poor People's Campaign (PPC) through prior communication with me, or I suspect you may be interested in the PPC based on my general understanding of your interests and fundamental values.

I'm writing to give you some high-level information about the PPC, to encourage and request your direct participation, and to quickly build our Arizona PPC network, as we're very late to the dance.

But first, a little housekeeping regarding your inclusion in this list. If you  wish to receive messages and information about the campaign, please send an email to davec4ppc@gmail.com, giving your name as you wish to be addressed, and your phone number for text messages if needed.

IMMEDIATE GOALS for PPC in Arizona. We're getting a late start. (More about that another time.) I have no official role with the PPC, but do have a strong interest in seeing action events in Arizona. Therefore, I'm initiating some basic organizing steps. When we designate a State Coordinator for AZ, or learn that there already is one, I'll turn information over to that group and fall in to help. HERE's WHAT WE NEED TO DO NOW:

INDIVIDUALS: We need to build and identify our network, starting with your feedback about your participation (see housekeeping item above).  Please forward this information to any and all Arizona people you know who may have an interest in taking part in the PPC.

ORGANIZATIONS: A key element for success is to identify organizations who want to align with the PPC and include them in all actions. So far I know of two: Fight for 15 and Apache Stronghold. We will find our greatest success by working together. Please send me contact information along with leaders' names and e-mail addresses of organizations such as:

  • social justice-oriented (a natural ally)

  • anti-racism

  • faith-based (individual congregations and middle judicatories)

  • those working for immigration reform

  • environment protection advocates

  • advocates for education access

  • organizations concerned about climate change

  • advocates for health care access

  • voting rights advocates

  • anti-war advocates

  • criminal justice and incarceration reform advocates

  • advocates for low-income housing and senior housing

  • advocates concerned with clean air and water


Below is the current information as I understand it. It is subject to updating and correction as we learn more.   

  • 40 days of action in about half the states and Washington, DC are planned, starting in Mid-May.

  • Actions are planned for nearly every day, for 40 days, in most of the action states and DC

  • Arizona is NOT a formally identified action state with an assigned State Coordinator, hence this short-notice effort to ramp up quickly

  • The tentative goal for Arizona Actions is to have at least one event weekly during the 6 weeks of PPC action

  • I'm investigating means of easy and flexible notification of events and actions for Arizona. A Facebook page will be one element. Do you have additional suggestions?


KEY INFORMATION DOCUMENTS  Whether or not you choose to become involved with PPC in Arizona, I encourage you to study the issues via these docs:

Thank you for giving consideration to the Poor People's Campaign. It's an important milestone for justice in the U.S. Please support it as well as you are able to do. Donations can be made on the Repairers of the Breach website.

Dave Coatsworth, davec4ppc@gmail.com