The Unacceptable Casualties of Christian Theologies: How We Can Stop Turning Women's Bodies into Battlefields?

The Arizona Foundation of Contemporary Theology presents
The Unacceptable Casualties of Christian Theologies: 
How We Can Stop Turning Women's Bodies into Battlefields? 
by Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, PhD. 

Dayspring United Methodist Church, 1365 East Elliot Road, Tempe
Friday, March 8, 2019 from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Rev. Dr. Thistlethwaite is a Professor of Theology and President Emerita for Chicago Theological Seminary. An ordained minister of the United Church of Christ since 1974, she is the author or editor of thirteen academic books, including two different translations of the Bible. In 2015, Dr. Thistlethwaite’s wrote Women’s Bodies as Battlefield: Christian Theologies and the Global War on Women. The book reached Number #1 in the Human Rights category on Amazon. Tickets are $17 if purchased before the event, $20 the day of the event. Students pay $5. There are no fees if you use this link: 

Rev. Dr. Susan Thistlethwaite

Body-denying, dualistic theologies are dangerous. They can cause irreparable harm, especially (though not exclusively!) to women. These kinds of theological perspectives, and the philosophies that inform them, have been millennia in the making. Join Dr. Susan Thistlethwaite for a deep look into how these harmful views were constructed over time, and how they can be de-constructed and changed in contemporary theology to promote affirmations of the body and the planet that can help reduce violence.

Rev. Dr. Thistlethwaite is a Professor of Theology and President Emerita for Chicago Theological Seminary. An ordained minister of the United Church of Christ since 1974, she is the author or editor of thirteen academic books, including two different translations of the Bible. In 2015, Dr. Thistlethwaite’s wrote Women’s Bodies as Battlefield: Christian Theologies and the Global War on Women. The book reached Number #1 in the Human Rights category on Amazon.

For further information, contact Michael Powell, AzFCT Chairperson
at 602-330-6371 or