SB 489, the Energy Transition Act Needs Your Support (New Mexico)

Dear Friends,

Our friends at New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light are asking us to contact Sen. Carlos Cisneros and ask him to support SB 489, the Energy Transition Act, which increases renewable energy in NM to 50% by 2030. See NMIPL's letter below. 

Sen. Cisneros can be reached at 505-986-4362 or at

Please take a minute to let him know how you feel about a green future for New Mexico and our planet.

Pamela Shepherd, Taos UCC

From Sr. Joan Brown:

SB 489 Energy Transition Act passed out of the Senate Commerce last night and will now go to the Senate floor.  NMIPL, along with many other groups and the governor's office have been working on this bill which  increases renewable energy in New Mexico to 50% by 2030, 80% by 2040 and 100% by 2045.  The bill also has a securitization plan to close San Juan Coal plant by addressing just transition with funds for education, retooling, and economic development with input from the affected communities in the Northwest part of New Mexico. Ratepayers of PNM should actually have a lowering of their energy bills.

If you are interested in learning more, please register for Understanding the Energy Transition Act, SB489 on Mar 6, 2019 12:00 PM MST. Sponsored by Sierra Club. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Please invite others in your area to make calls and let me know what you are able to do.  The more calls the better. Please make them short and just ask for support for the bill.