Ask Congress to Pass Disaster Aid Now

After delaying passage of a disaster aid package, the Senate looks poised to introduce a bill that could unlock more than $17 billion in assistance to ailing communities. This comes not nearly soon enough for many communities, especially Puerto Rico. The island has essentially run out of the block grant providing for nutrition assistance and many residents are going without basic necessities. We have a powerhouse advocate in our UCC DC office, Katie Adams, and she is asking for our help to reach the Senate and Congress.

Write and call your Member of Congress

You can look up your elected officials here to let them know it is unacceptable and unconscionable that Puerto Rico as well as other states and communities have not received the disaster aid assistance and relief needed to provide for millions of U.S. citizens. Here is a sample script:

“As a person of a faith and your constituent I urge you to take immediate action to ensure that disaster aid funding for Puerto Rico is passed by Congress with no additional delays. Thank you for doing all you can to ensure the residents of Puerto Rico receive the funding that is needed to ensure the continuity of the Nutrition Assistance Program as well as ongoing rebuilding efforts. Please pass a disaster aid package that provides for aid for all.”

Reach out on social media to your Member of Congress (sample tweets below):

∙ It is far past time for Congress to pass disaster aid legislation for Puerto Rico. Further inaction is unconscionable and immoral. #DisasterAidNow #AidForAll

As people of faith we are called to love our neighbor and we believe in showing up for those who face disaster and for those who hunger. It’s time Congress does too. #DisasterAidNow #AidForAll

For more information or if you would like to go to Puerto Rico on one of our UCC work teams, contact Phil Shea at 602-663-5065 or Phil recently returned from Puerto Rico after meeting with local churches and UCC leaders helping with recovery.

Click to read "Advocate for Disaster Aid for All" for action steps your congregation can take to help communities affected by disasters.

written and submitted by Phil Shea, SWC Disaster Coordinator,, 602-663-5065