Update: If you have visited the shelter within this past week you'll have noticed a difference - we've been FULL! The Monastery moved to their new location at the Juvenile Detention Center this past week and they are primarily serving at this time as a Welcome Center., meaning guests are not staying there but going out to the Shelter Locations. This means we have received a new group pretty much every day. It also means we need:
Drivers to pick people up from the Welcome Center to bring them here.
Volunteers to be onsite to receive and serve new guests.
Donations for the kitchen and bodega (see Needs List below).
Thank you to all our generous volunteers and donors!
Current Need List
The Kitchen needs: milk, eggs, bread, chicken, fresh fruit, zucchini, summer squash, onions and tomatoes.
The Bodega needs: small women's clothes, travel size deodorant, and clothing for babies/toddlers.