written by Sandy Sorensen, Director of the United Church of Christ Washington DC Office
Justice and Witness Ministries is excited to welcome Conference Ministers from across the United Church of Christ for days of advocacy and action here in Washington DC. This month, we will be hosting 22 Conference Ministers from September 24 - 26 to join us in advocating around the topic of immigration. The United Church of Christ is an Immigrant Welcoming Church, honoring the profound struggles migrants who come to the United States face in search of security and opportunity, and celebrating the myriad contributions migrants offer to our communities. Conference Ministers will meet with legislators and ask them to cease funding for detention, deportation, and border militarization.
Read the letter signed by 25 of our UCC Conference Ministers to Congress.
We asked congregations to send us stories of how they have personally felt the impact of changes in legislation around immigration. Read the powerful stories that have been shared with us so far.
from Sandy Sorensen’s intro letter to the Conference Ministers:
This is an opportunity to build relationships with Members of Congress and their staffs to advocate for a more compassionate and humane immigration system. Having you show up as both Conference Ministers and constituents works to complement the efforts of the D.C. office. It is critical for legislators to see the priorities and concerns of their constituents and the United Church of Christ.
You are here because the administration continues to implement policies that have resulted in the mass separation of children from families; additional traumatization of people already fleeing violence and death; and preventable deaths of both adults and children in U.S. care. Closing the door to men, women, and children fleeing brutal violence violates the fundamental nature of our faith. We are called to speak truth into these spaces of power; letting Congress know the unjust and immoral treatment of our immigrant neighbors must end, and as our elected representatives they have a critical role in making that happen.
While you are here you’ll be talking to congressional offices specifically about the Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriations legislation, and funding for the Department of Homeland Security.
Advocacy is about sharing the stories of how UCC congregations and conferences have responded to, and stood alongside, our immigrant neighbors. It is about simply sitting down, discussing the reason we do faith-based advocacy, and about leaving room for the Holy Spirit to move in people’s hearts. Thank you for joining the work of being a witness for justice!
Further reading: