URGENT: Urge Congress to Include All Families and Neighbors in COVID Relief

Right now, Congress is considering a COVID relief package to accompany federal funding for the remainder of this fiscal year. As congressional leaders plan to include another round of stimulus checks in the package to provide relief to Americans during this crisis, it is vital that ALL of our community members are able to access this critical relief. The last round of stimulus checks largely excluded millions of Americans from accessing stimulus checks including mothers, fathers, children and immigrants serving on the frontlines of this pandemic as essential workers. The exclusion of mixed-status families and individual ITIN filers from relief legislation is both deeply unfair and has disproportionately harmed the families hardest hit by the pandemic.

In order to combat this economic and health crisis, we must provide relief to all of our neighbors, regardless of immigration status. We are stronger when we are united and extend compassion to our neighbors. There is no recovery if it’s not inclusive – the future of our communities and our economy depends on it. Join us in urging Members of Congress to protect all of our families in COVID relief.

Click here to contact your 2 Senators and 1 Representative – and make sure to insert the name of your city or town in the first line!

 Sample Script: “I’m your constituent from [CITY/TOWN], and as a person of faith, I urge you to support our immigrant neighbors in COVID relief by ensuring all families, regardless of immigration status, receive stimulus checks in the upcoming COVID relief package. Millions of our community members were left out of the last round of stimulus checks because their spouse or parents were ITIN filers. The exclusion of mixed-status families and individual ITIN filers from relief legislation is both deeply unfair and has disproportionately harmed the families hardest hit by the pandemic. In order to combat this public health crisis and economic hardship, we must include all of our neighbors in COVID relief efforts. Immigrants are also serving on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response as essential workers in health care and the food supply chain. There is no recovery if it’s not inclusive – the future of our communities and our economy depends on it. My community believes that we are stronger when we care for one another, including our immigrant neighbors." 

Thank you for taking action - and please share this information with your networks!