Contacting Arizona Legislators on Two Bad Bills

From Protecting Arizona’s Family Coalition:

SB 1328 (appropriations; direct services; referrals) and HB 2388 (appropriations; direct services; referrals) will both be up in committee this week. These mirror bills contain funding for Arizona's 2-1-1 Community Information and Referral line.

While there have been bills in past years to fund Arizona's 2-1-1 system, this new version of the funding request comes with restrictions that will leave many Arizonans without information to resources they need. 

While PAFCO supports funding 2-1-1. we cannot support a proposal that would limit what resources are available to 2-1-1 and would prevent individuals from getting information on the resources they may need. 

The restrictions being put in place is that no organizations can be listed on 211's website or referenced in calls if they provide or pay for abortions. 

Our objection is that when we start placing what restrictions nonprofits can refer to, we end up reducing the resources available to Arizonans. An example was used that this could lead to health clinics or hospitals not being listed as resources because they provide abortions. A person may be asking where to get a well-woman exam or breast cancer screening, but would not get accurate information about resources available because these agencies would not be included on the list. 

During a time when the legislature has still not restored funding to many health and human services programs, the legislature should be focusing their efforts on funding areas such as housing, child care, homelessness, food security, and others, and provide clean funding for 2-1-1.

What can you do to stop SB 1328 & HB 2388?

Contact Members of the Senate Appropriations and House Health and Human Services Committee

Senate Appropriations - February 4th 2:00 PM

Senator David Gowan - Chairman -
Senator Vince Leach - Vice-Chair -
Senator Lela Alston -
Senator Sean Bowie -
Senator Heather Carter -
Senator Sine Kerr -
Senator David Livingston -
Senator Lisa Otondo -
Senator Michelle Ugenti-Rita -

House Health and Human Services - February 6th 9:00 AM

Representative Nancy Barto - Chairwoman -
Representative Jay Lawerence - Vice-Chair -
Representative Kelli Butler -
Representative Gail Griffin -
Representative Alma Hernandez -
Representative Becky Nutt -
Representative Pamela Powers Hannley -
Representative Amish Shah -