Virtual Pilgrimage for Racial Justice

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The Church of the Heavenly Rest invites you to a virtual pilgrimage for racial justice with leading theologians from across the Episcopal Church: June 23rd-25th.

We’ve all watched the protests over the last several weeks and we want to find ways to join our voices to ending racism.

Our faith tells us that we are all made in the image of God— and that racism is a sin. It causes suffering for people of color in our community. It affects all of us.

We have the chance together to listen to our neighbors and to learn from leaders in our Church who are helping all of us address an historic problem that is again front-page news.

Last year, we traveled to Alabama to visit the Legacy Museum and National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery. These sites were developed by the Equal Justice Initiative to tell the story of racial terror in America—from slavery to Mass Incarceration.

On our pilgrimage, we confronted the history of our country, reflected on our own experiences of (or complicity with) racism, and imagined how we might be part of building a better future together.

This year, the pilgrimage will be virtual. We have partnered with Episcopal Divinity School at Union and Dean Kelly Brown Douglas to design an immersive online experience to learn, pray and act for racial justice.

We hope you’ll join us—and invite your friends.

As people of faith, we have an opportunity—and an obligation—to work toward a world that reflects the beauty, diversity, and mutuality of God’s creation. The time is now.

You can see the full schedule and register for the pilgrimage here and on Facebook. The pilgrimage will include a combination of virtual gatherings and self-guided study and reflection. We invite you to participate as much as you are able.

We want everyone to participate. You can help make this pilgrimage possible by donating.

See for more information.

Register here.

View the full schedule here.

Contact Anne Marie Witchger with questions.