The Cry of the Earth / The Cry of the Poor

Join us for a virtual exploration of Pope Francis’ call to environmental action to all people of good will, Laudato si (Blessed Be).
When:           Tuesday, June 30 at 4:00 pm
Where:          Visit to register
Four panelists (a spiritual leader, an environmentalist, a scholar, and a student activist) will tell the story of how they each became eco-advocates and how 'Laudato si’ inspires and informs their life and work (the “story of me”).  Together they will discuss what difference Pope Francis’ encyclical makes for our lives and culture  (the “story of us”), and how listening to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor is relevant to us today as our cities and our planet burn (the “story of now”).
On Tuesday, July 7th at 4 pm, we will host a follow up zoom webinar to give participants an opportunity to narrate their own stories of call and advocacy inspired by hearing the call of the earth and the call of the poor.  We will use the teaching of Marshall Ganz:  “The story of me.  The story of us.  The story of now!”
AZIPL joins with May All Be One for this webinar. May All Be One staged the first week-long statewide celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in Arizona in 2020 and will do so again during the week of January 18-25, 2021. May All Be One is a movement committed to Jesus’ prayer found in John 17:21, “that they may all be one,” bringing Christians together and bridging the divides between all people of faith through a range of programs, public lectures and immersive events.