The Program includes the following projects:
Peanut Butter and Jelly: The need to feed the homeless in our community has increased since the Pandemic. Our Church in collaboration with the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in downtown Albuquerque provides between 55 to 110 sack lunches a week on Sundays. The sack lunches include a PB & Jelly sandwich, a granola bar, a chewy fruit snack, and a bottle of water. The lunch bags have been assembled at the homes of Gretchen Shore and Jennifer and Ed Street because of social distancing concerns. The sack lunches are delivered to the Immaculate Conception Church. The supply costs have increased due to increased volume and since all supplies need to be purchased (church members are not able to bring in-kind donations to the church). Ed and Jennifer Street has taken on the responsibly of coordinating the PB&J program. How can you help: a donation to the Church’s Feeding the Hungry Program. For more information contact Ed Street (998-3228;
Project Share: For many years FCUCC has participated in Project Share. FCUCC provides on the third Thursday of every month a meal of meat loaf, macaroni and cheese, green beans, fresh green salad, and apple crisp to serve 200-220 homeless individuals at HopeWorks (formerly St. Martin’s). Before the Pandemic the Project Share Team would prepare the meal at the church. Because of pandemic considerations the meal in the past three months were provided through a private vendor. Starting next month, the Project Share Team will attempt to prepare the meal at the Church in a safe way. How can you help: a donation to the Church’s Feeding the Hungry Program. For more information contact Bob Muller (822-9450;
UNM’s Lobo Food Pantry: The Food Pantry which operates out of the Dean of Students Office serves currently enrolled UNM students with a valid UNM ID. The Food Pantry is open on Mondays from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm throughout the summer and school year and is set up for drive-up or pick up service. Last year in collaboration with the UNM Dean of Students, Nasha Torrez, FCUCC started collecting nonperishable food for distributed to UNM students. Food collected include peanut butter, jelly, macaroni and cheese, raman noodles, crackers, granola bars. Since the Pandemic food items have not been collected. How can you help: a donation to the Church’s Feed the Hungry Program. For more information contact Catherine Davis (314-484-6340;
The work of the church to help feeding the hungry in Albuquerque continues in spite of the Pandemic.
--Ben Wakashige, Moderator, First Congregational UCC Albuquerque