JPANet: Tell Senators COIVD Relief CANNOT Wait

All summer we’ve waited for the Senate to take meaningful action on COVID legislation. In May the House passed the HEROES Act that provided for the robust support people across the country need to weather this pandemic and economic crisis. Currently the bill before the Senate is woefully inadequate and does not substantially meet the needs of families and communities. Too many people have experienced loss in this season, and as people of faith we show up to grieve. We also show up to make sure our neighbors have shelter and food, are treated with dignity and humanity, and that each person is able to thrive. Critical assistance is needed for the upcoming fall and winter and the Senate must respond by passing legislation that will:

  • Provide funding for state, local, and tribal governments so they can continue health services, support education, and continue other critical community services;

  • Increase Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, housing and rental assistance;

  • Expand federal unemployment benefits and expand funding for those who don’t qualify to make sure everyone receives assistance;

  • Expand tax credits for low income people and families and send out another direct cash payment that doesn’t discriminate on immigration or taxpayer status;

  • Provide for emergency funding to protect the election, ensuring a safe, fair, and free election

Many millions around the country are facing extreme hardship, due to the COVID crisis, and compounded by Congressional dithering. Please act now and urge your Senators to pass a robust COVID relief package.