Update on New Mexico HB 132

We are working with our Lutheran Advocacy Ministry partners in New Mexico to pass NM HB-132. The signature sheet here can be signed by people of faith and returned to:

Kurt A. Rager; Director, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM; Rocky Mountain Synod-ELCA

In times of online gathering and virtual advocacy campaigns, your church members can sign the sheet individually and return a scanned copy to Kurt at LAM via his email address. 

As a reminder, HB 132 is one of our top priority bills as it would greatly reduce predatory lending in New Mexico. The current interest rate cap is 175% with these short-term loans easily available through hundreds of storefront lenders that are located primarily in our most economically vulnerable neighborhoods and communities. Further, 65% of lenders are located within 15 miles of Tribal lands. (LAM_NM) 

The SWC has signed the faith leaders advocacy letter and will continue to support the bill as it comes to the floor for debate.

Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons, SW Conference Minister