Introduction to the Decentering Whiteness Taskforce

Beloved Friends and Colleagues, 

Many of you were first introduced to the Decentering Whiteness Taskforce during our Annual Meeting. The Decentering Whiteness Taskforce hosted the panel discussion “Decentering Whiteness 101.” We were thrilled with the amount of interest that we received after the panel discussion AND we learned that many folks were confused about who and what we are.  

The “Decentering Whiteness Task Force” was started and gathered by Rev. Dr. Toni Hawkins in September of 2023 to continue the Conference’s commitment to decentering whiteness as asserted in the “Southwest Conference Resolution on Restorative Racial Justice: Decentering Whiteness in Our Churches and Society” (Adopted by the Annual Meeting October 4, 2020). Since then we have met monthly and bi-monthly over Zoom guided by a core mission – “to foster transformative conversations, advocate for systemic change, and create a more inclusive and equitable environment for all members of the SWC. We passionately believe that by acknowledging and addressing the impacts of whiteness, we can work together to dismantle structures that perpetuate inequities.” At the outset, five primary and overlapping areas were identified as goals for our work:  


  1. Facilitate Dialogue: Create sacred, safe, and respectful spaces for open dialogues that challenge dominant narratives of whiteness and promote self-awareness, empathy, inclusion, and understanding.  

  1. Promote Education: Develop educational programs, workshops, and resources to increase awareness about privilege, systemic racism, and the historical context that shapes our present reality, while promoting unity through community projects.  

  1. Advocate for Culture of Transformation: Collaborate with individuals, committees, and congregations within the SWC to address racial disparities and promote inclusivity in our policies, procedures, and practices.  

  1. Cultivate Inclusivity: Work to transform the SWC into a place where everyone feels welcomed, valued, and empowered to participate fully in all aspects of church life.  

  1. Supportive Networks: Establish networks of support, mentorship, and solidarity among individuals committed to this work, fostering a sense of community, promoting justice, love, reconciliation, and shared purpose.  


We would love for you to join us! If you are interested in joining the Decentering Whiteness Taskforce, please e-mail Dr. Toni at by July 29, 2024. We meet on Zoom on the first Thursday of the month at 2:00pm Arizona time/ 3:00 New Mexico & El Paso time. 


Rev. Rhonda Newby-Torres, Chair