The UCC is currently launching its first chapters of the UCC Climate Hope Affiliates program in Allentown (PA), Hanover (NH), Framingham (MA), and Freemont (CA). The goal is to create the political will to address the twin, intertwined crises of climate change and societal injustice. Chapters will take monthly actions to develop long-term relationships with their members of congress and local media.
Let us know if you are interested in starting a chapter where you live.
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On June 18th, the UCC will launch its second Climate Hope card collection campaign that will build upon the success of the more than 8,000 postcards we delivered to the senior officials of the EPA last year. This year the art of 12-year-old Charlotte from Glenside, Pennsylvania will be on the cover of our Vote for Climate Hope Pledge Cards. Between now and November 1st, UCC churches from across the country will be collecting the pledges of those committed to voting their values in November. We know people are more likely to vote when (a) it is connected to a cause they care about, (b) they make a commitment to others vote, and (c) they get a reminder to vote near the time of the election.
Learn more at our online kickoff event on June 18th at 3 pm ET!
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