
Visit to La Casa

 Visit to La Casa

by Holly Herman

A couple weeks ago, Rich Doerrer-Peacock, Randy Mayer, Bill Lyons, Susan Valiquette, two National staff visitors (Rev. Joshua Baird, Global H.O.P.E. Team Leader and Rev. Irene W. Hassan, Minister for Refugee and Migration Services), and I took a trip to Casa de la Misericordia in Nogales, MX, a mission project of the UCC, Lutherans, and Episcopalians. It is an amazing place. Sister Lika Mejia is the director and has been there many years. She has organized a refuge for asylum seekers, a place to heal, rest, and prepare for the next step of their journey.

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A letter from Cruzando Fronteras

A letter from Cruzando Fronteras

“It has been a critical year for our ministry. Most importantly, the United States started processing asylum claims, and every one of the over 200 migrants who had been waiting for the entire pandemic made it safely and legally across the border to begin their asylum process. Laughter and tears accompanied every departure, as family after family passed through their credible fear interview and joined family or friends in the U.S. as they await further determinations. Over 500 people have now made it through in 2021 so far. As people enter the United States, La Casa takes in new families, with our shelter generally housing 120-150 people. More than 50% are children—in fact, in October of this year, four babies were born to parents at La Casa, including one who was actually born in our dormitory!”

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