Join MID (Member In Discernment) ellie hutchison to support the San Francisco Night Ministry's Care Line. During the beginning of the pandemic, ellie was embarking on her CPE program and completed over 300 hours sitting alongside folx on the SFNM Care Line. Since then, she continues to volunteer a few times a month in order to remain connected to returning callers as well as being witness with and alongside many new callers.
SFNM is a fantastic organization to volunteer with AND, the best thing is that you can do it directly from your home! For more information, send KA an email and tell her ellie sent you their way.
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Read the latest issue of “Ripples” from the Open and Affirming Coalition UCC.
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Please join us and contact your Member of Congress asking them to fully oppose this legislation, and any like it, that would cause harm to our transgender siblings. Ask them to listen to their constituents who speak to the immense damage these bills have on transgender youth. As people of faith, it’s critical we add our voices to the chorus of others saying transgender people are loved wholly and without reservation.
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Many churches celebrate God's creation on the Sunday closest to Earth Day (April 22nd). Sign-up now for this webinar that will help your congregation make the most of it:
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If implemented, this new asylum policy would result in the return of asylum seekers to their home countries to face war, persecution, and even death. Right now, the Administration is taking comments from the public on this plan. And your voice is needed! As people of faith, and an immigrant-welcoming denomination, we are called to work toward ensuring every person has access to safety and home. The comment period closes on Monday, March 27, 2023.
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We are in the midst of a pivotal moment in our shared story. The well-being of transgender and non-binary youth is being debated in legislative sessions across the United States. As of March 3 there have been 385 anti-LGBTQ bills introduced, with 108 of these bills aiming to end gender affirming healthcare for trans and non-binary youth. This places more than 54,000 trans youth actively taking life-saving gender affirming medical care at risk.
This is the highest number of anti-LGBTQ bills ever introduced in a single legislative season.
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In this month's Justice and Peace Action Network newsletter:
Our Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives
UCC advocates join rally at the White House in response to the Administrations new asylum ban
Planning Ahead for Earth Day
Registration for the 2023 Ecumenical Advocacy Days
Apply for the Dollie Burwell Prophetic Action Award
Join the UCC’s delegation to the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women
Women’s History Month Sees Launch of New Resources
Justice Resources
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Our faith gives us rituals and voice to grieve with those who are mourning. But it also instructs us to let our prayers become actions. To not just lament but work to build a world restored. Our faith compels is to declare that a culture of violence and death is not inevitable. We are not powerless in making these changes; we can take steps to end gun violence. Tell your elected leaders to summon the moral courage and take immediate action.
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Keep up with the work of the Team through their (nearly) monthly e-newsletter. To subscribe, email Learn more about UCC Global H.O.P.E. here.
Click here to read news from Global H.O.P.E.
a Ministry Team of the United Church of Christ's Wider Church Ministries
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There is ample evidence to show that broad sanctions against a country mostly affects the people who are already disadvantaged in that country: the poor and marginalized. United States sanctions policies have exemptions for humanitarian purposes, but in practice it is extremely difficult to get a humanitarian license. And even if a group receives a license, getting banks who are naturally risk-averse to allow any transactions, even for food and medicine, takes time and a lot of effort.
Our partner, the Middle East Council of Churches, has called for “the immediate lifting of sanctions on Syria and allowing access to all materials, so sanctions may not turn into a crime against humanity.” We join our partners in this call and therefore urge the Biden Administration to lift sanctions against Syria.
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It has been 7,349 days since I last used illicit opioids. Truthfully, at this point in my journey, I rarely count days anymore. A ritual that once held immense importance for me has given way to different ways of measuring the trajectory of healing in my life. However, this January 3rd, the annual marker of freedom from the hold of my problematic relationship with drugs felt quite different.
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The news continues to unfold about the devastating earthquake on the border of Turkey and Syria. The death toll continues to rise. This is shattering news and adds to the challenges of the war in this area for over a decade. At this time, we are issuing an appeal to help recovery efforts in Turkey and Syria. It is hard to tell what other areas are affected or the extent of the damage from this seismic event. See how to help.
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We can call on our elected leaders in Congress to reintroduce the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act (H.R. 1280) to begin the work of national comprehensive police reform. Key reforms included are:
Restriction of “no-knock” warrants, chokeholds, and carotid holds,
Creation of a National Police Misconduct Registry to compile data on complaints and records of police misconduct,
Requiring law enforcement officers to complete training on racial profiling, implicit bias, and the duty to intervene when another officer uses excessive force.
Christ taught us that true peace is not achieved through the use of violence. It is up to us as people of faith to be the voice for change so that we may all live in communities free of violence—including at the hands of those sworn to protect us. Please call on your Representatives today!
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Each month we ask UCC advocates to help us unpack the complex justice issues that we’re working on. This month, as we prepare to hear the President’s State of the Union address, International Policy Advocate, Rev. Michael Neuroth (with some input from the D.C. team) has offered a helpful list of what to listen for on February 7.
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As a justice-seeking people, we must remain committed to preserving and protecting access to the full range of reproductive health care for all – including legal abortion – as an imperative rooted in our deeply-held faith beliefs in social justice, moral agency, and religious liberty for all. Please contact your member of Congress to ask them to introduce and support legislation protecting an individual’s right to access abortion and the full range of reproductive healthcare access.
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News from Global H.O.P.E.
a Ministry Team of the United Church of Christ's Wider Church Ministries
January 2023
In this issue:
Position opening for a Communications Specialist
Call for applications from college students and young adults for UCC Spring Break for Service at Back Bay Mission 2023
Young adults 2023 leadership immersion opportunities
Drastic policy changes in U.S. migration
Disaster Ministries to assist victims of deadly California storms
"Willing to Respond" UCC churches and conferences
Mission sites currently recruiting volunteers
UCC delegation heading to Europe to track Ukraine response
Appeals to support neighbors
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Tuesday, February 7, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1700 W. Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85007
In the morning, we will be meeting in small groups to meet with legislators, and then at noon will meet as a larger group in Wesley Bolin Plaza and hear from speakers, including some legislators. We will also have tables with information on various groups and actions. RSVP using the link below.
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Last week, the United Church of Christ and other faith and human rights groups sent a letter to President Biden calling on him to fulfill his campaign promise and close the prison at Guantánamo. After 21 years, it is past time for the U.S. to close this symbol of illegal detention and state sponsored torture. Call on President Biden today to close Guantánamo and reaffirm our nation’s commitment to international law and human rights.
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The Land Back Movement has been succinctly described as the generations long struggle to put “Indigenous lands back into Indigenous hands.” In this webinar, organizers and practitioners within the movement will place the struggle within the context of dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery and the ongoing work of reparatory justice.
Speakers will include Katerina Gea from the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery, Angie Comeaux from Hummingbird Springs Farm, and Sarah Augustine who authored “The Land Is Not Empty: Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery.”
Even if you cannot make the webinar at its scheduled time on February 8th at 1 pm ET, still sign up, and we will send a link to the recording. Register now!
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Sunday, February 5, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Franciscan Renewal Center
5802 E Lincoln Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85253
(this is a hybrid event, so a Zoom option is available)
Across the spectrum of faiths and non-faiths, simplicity has been interpreted, prayed about, and meditated on for generations. As we approach the Lenten season, join the Arizona Faith Network and Faith In Action Ministries at the Franciscan Renewal Center in discussing how our brothers and sisters of different faiths and belief systems have seen simplicity play out in their own faith lives, and how you might apply simple living in your own faith life.
This event has been organized by Arizona Faith Network's Interfaith Youth and Young Adult team and is AFN's contribution for World Interfaith Harmony Week. Limited opportunities for exhibit tables will be available and light snacks and beverages will be provided. If you have questions or are interested in reserving an exhibit table, contact Vasu Bandhu, AFN Faith Community Cooridinator, using the link on the AFN Staff page.
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