Conference News

New Leadership Symposium offers Youth Training and Scholarships

New Leadership Symposium offers Youth Training and Scholarships

Chapman’s Office of Church Relations, partnering with our beloved alum Lee Yates, is announcing a 6-month Youth Leadership Symposium to offer leadership education and mentoring that will build up the youth’s home congregation and, upon completion, make the student eligible for a half tuition scholarship at Chapman and TCU.

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The Group Exemption, Proving Your Church’s Tax-Exempt Status, and Your Church’s EIN: What Local Churches Need to Know

Do you know about the United Church of Christ’s group exemption? Do you need to prove that your Local Church is tax-exempt? Do you know the difference between “nonprofit,” “tax-exempt,” and “501(c)(3)?” These terms, while often used interchangeably, have distinct meanings under the law, and come with different legal obligations. This post explains how these terms apply to your Local Church, how to prove your church’s tax-exempt status, and the importance of maintaining your church’s federal Employer Identification Number, or EIN.

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We joyously celebrate the news of the Transitional Conference Minister!

We joyously celebrate the news of the Transitional Conference Minister!

On behalf of the Transition Team and Executive Board, we joyously celebrate the news of the Transitional Conference Minister.

Having sought the guidance of the Holy Spirit and believing that God has called us to share in a mutual and common ministry in Christ, the people of the Southwest Conference, United Church of Christ, of the Executive Board (EB) voted to enter into covenant with Rev. Dr. Altonnette (Toni) Hawkins to become our Transitional Conference Minister (TCM) beginning January 1, 2023.

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Transition Team Report

The Executive Board called a transitional team consisting of the Southwest Conference officers: Susan Valiquette, Moderator; Hubert Hirwa, vice-Moderator; Deb Church, Secretary; Scott Greenwood-Treasurer; and Marvin Morgan and Dean Hokel.

As we discern the way forward during this time of transition the approved plan is:

  1. The Associate Conference Minister, Barb Doerrer-Peacock will serve as the Acting Conference Minister for the month of December with the option to continue longer if needed.

  2. To call a Transitional Conference Minister for 12-18 months beginning January 2023.

  3. To call a Settled Conference Minister by mid-2024.

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Queer Theology 101

Queer Theology 101

One of the SWC’s Members in Discernment, Rhonda Newby-Torres, lay Pastor for Lutheran Campus Ministry of NM serving at Luther House, has shared this invitation with the SWC. Luther House is a progressive Christian ministry at UNM and CNM in Albuquerque. Queer Theology is a 6-week series centering the perspective of those living out Queer Theology and their allies. Come and learn from local clergy and religious leaders from a variety of faith traditions.

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Workshop for Pastors - 1/30-31/22 at Franciscan Renewal Center

The Presbytery of Grand Canyon is offering a two-day workshop on Pastoral Leaders and Emotional Maturity at the Franciscan Renewal Center in Phoenix, on January 30-31, 2023. The workshop looks at leadership through the lens of family systems and will encourage participants to get clear about their leadership style, their triggers, and ways they might move toward greater self-definition with connection as they lead their congregations.

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