Extravagantly welcoming and affirming followers of Christ called to embody God’s unconditional justice and love.
Positions in the SWC that are open as of March 23rd
Secretary for the Executive Board and Annual Meetings
COM A – 4 positions, preferably 3 of these be lay persons, but not necessary
Finance and Endowment Committee – 1 position to fill a vacancy for 1 year
Nominating Committee – 1 position
Needless to say, for all committees, preferably persons of color and those under 40 yrs. old
For more information, contact Rich Doerrer-Peacock at rdoerrerpeacock@cox.ne soon. Or fill out the form indicating your interest. The form can be found HERE.
We’re getting our ducks in order.
Thanks much for your careful and prayerful consideration,
Too often, our theology of God’s power has been shaped by images of dominion and control, mirroring human systems of exploitation and extraction. But Scripture reveals a different kind of power—one that flows through relationships, nurtures life, and brings healing to both people and planet. Creation Justice Ministries has released a new resource in time for Earth Sunday that explores life-giving theologies in conversation with those leading at the grassroots of a faith-rooted movement. In this webinar, we will hear from the lead author of the resource along with two of the faith leaders profiled in it. Even if you cannot make the webinar at its scheduled time of 1 pm ET on Wednesday, April 9th, still sign-up, and we will send you a link to a recording of it. Register now to join us!
What’s happening at YOUR church? Tell us about it! Just write up an article and submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.
Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and other materials and compiles the highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches and beyond. (Thanks, Holly!)
Tag SWC and Wende on Facebook and Instagram to get our attention so we can share your posts! We’re @swcucc and Wende is @yeswende.