Via Ktizo UCC - Ktizo Sober Living House for Women

"I had my first drink at 10 years of age." "I started using Meth in Middle School." "High School: heroine." "I started using pills from my parents' medicine cabinet." "I had breast cancer surgery and got addicted to opiods."

Ktizo has been in search of a ministry of transformation since we opened our doors. We believe we have found it in creating Sober Living House(s). You can ask nearly any family and somewhere in the family tree is Addiction, and it is devastating to the whole Family System. We have opened a Sober Living House for Women, which will house up to 10 women who have been in Recovery for at least 90 days. The women will have jobs, abide by the rules of the House, and attend AA meetings. We have worked closely with the AZ Recovery Housing Association, found staff through networking, and are having women referred to us. We are leasing a house, and furnished it mostly with donations (except for new beds and bedding). Over and over we have been told that there is a shortage in safe, healthy recovery houses, especially for women. 
We would be happy to share our learnings with others who are interested in this ministry of transformation and hope. What do we need? Your prayers. Your referrals of women who are in recovery. 

For this house, a second refrigerator would be nice, as would a chest freezer. Financial donation to Ktizo Sober Living House would be designated for household needs, scholarships for women (to be able to move in/pay their deposit before they have found a job, etc), and for the establishment of the next Sober Living House. 

For more information contact Rev. Nancy Elsenheimer at