Faith United Community Church to close

On October 14 Faith United Community Church voted to end formal ministry and dissolve. They will celebrate their life of ministry on Sunday, Nov. 4, 10 am at 1061 Old Chisholm Trail, Dewey, AZ. The Southwest Conference is invited to worship with Faith United members and friends that morning as they share stories and celebrate the good work the congregation has done since 1971. 

Jane Cheek will serve as legacy pastor for the congregation through early January. Her responsibilities include pastoral care for the congregation’s remaining 16 members and friends, helping them find new spiritual homes, facilitating their grief, and attending to the details of closing the church corporation. Holly Herman, a member of the SWC endowment management committee, serves as the conference liaison to the congregation. 

Various items of the church’s property need new homes. If you can put items like UCC hymnals, folding tables, office furniture, chancel furniture, and kitchen items to use for your congregation, please email Jane ( or Holly ( with your request. After the closing service, an inventory of items will be made available.

A small group from Faith United will explore forming a house church in Dewey. The SWC has offered support and resources for that project.