Rebel & Divine Dinner a Big Success

(from Scottsdale Congregational UCC's newsletter)

On June 10th, Scottsdale Congregational UCC served a sumptuous meatloaf dinner to around 40 people at Rebel & Divine. There were visitors from Phoenix Gaymers, who helped with the program, and from Insight, who provided free HIV testing for the youth. We had seven people from SCUCC come to help serve, including Pastor Carol, Shelli Valles and her Little Sister Kayla (who have been helping to serve for two years now), Julie and Claire Conway, Elaine Trask and Diana Winston. We had a LOT of food donated by many hands from SCUCC. There were several different versions of meatloaf, including vegan ones, mashed and scalloped potatoes, gravy, 2 different coleslaws, and a number of green salads. Plus some desserts and watermelon. The youth gave us rave reviews and they always know that when SCUCC shows up there is plenty of good home cooking to be had!

There were many new faces there, but also some of the youth that we have known from the past, including Daniel and Shirley’s crew: Mason, Joshua, Justin, Rafael, Kate and Ben. They recognized us from Mingus Camp 2017 and were glad to see us.

Even though many came back for seconds, there was plenty to pack up for leftovers to be taken home. This is an important aspect of this ministry to these mostly food insecure youth.

Rebel & Divine UCC is one of SCUCC’s ongoing Mission outreaches. They serve youth from 15 - 24 who are seeking healing and wholeness. Many of these youth are from the LGBTQ+ community and are homeless and/or food insecure. SCUCC provides Sunday evening dinner for them 4 times per year, we periodically provide bus passes and gift cards for places they can get food, and we support their Thanksgiving and Christmas programs.