A message from one of our new church starts, Taos UCC

As Taos United Community Church prepares for our new fiscal year, we want to thank every one of you who contributed this year, with your time, with your talents, and with your money.  Taos UCC exists because of the people who’ve come together to birth and build this new faith community.

Today we are writing to ask you to take another step in your journey with Taos UCC. Would you be willing to become a pledging partner for our faith community by making an estimated pledge of what you expect to give to Taos UCC in the coming year?  Our UCC granting partners look at both the amount of individual donations we receive, and the number of people or households who pledge to Taos UCC.  Every pledge really helps us.

Since September, when we launched our first Backpack Sunday Service focusing on Immigration Justice, we have lived into our hope to be a progressive social-justice community working to serve our neighbors and the world. 

We are grateful for our shared social justice work. We are also grateful for all the ways we worship, pray, meditate, study, serve and play together.  If you value what we are building at Taos UCC, would you pledge a weekly or monthly or annual donation for our upcoming new year? Together we can live into our mission: a just world for all. Together we can learn to trust the love of God and share that love with our friends and neighbors.  Thank you for your generous support. We've attached a pledge card below.  

Yours on the Journey,

Samuel Herrera, Moderator
Betsy Wessler, Treasurer
Megan White, Leadership Council
Allen Ferguson, Leadership Council
Rev. Pamela Shepherd

pledge card