Journeywork as Spiritual Practice

Two half-day introduction sessions at First Congregational Church Albuquerque on Saturday, January 25 (Part 1) and February 8 (Part 2) from 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Led by Jennifer Bayley and Jocelyn Emerson, Pastor of St. Paul’s UCC, Rio Rancho

Would you like to deepen your spiritual practice? Do you want to connect with the world around you in a new way? Have you hoped for a closer relationship with the Sacred? Do you yearn for prayer that is interactive, conversational?

Journeywork is a meditative practice that offers us ways to connect more deeply with and expand our current spirituality. Journeywork is accessible to anyone, even if more conventional meditation practices have not been a good ‘fit’. Common to indigenous societies on every continent throughout history, shamanic journeying is the inner art of entering “non-ordinary reality” – a state of consciousness outside of time and space – to access spiritual guidance and healing and to assist others and our planet.

Spend two half-days with Jennifer and Jocelyn to learn about, discuss, and begin a journeying practice of your own. To ask questions or sign up for the two-part class, please contact Jennifer at or 505-450-4201. (Class limit is 20.)