A Day Brightener from Beatitudes Campus

from Nancy Splain, Interfaith Outreach Ambassador for Beatitudes Campus:

This past week, we Beatitudes Campus staff members received the message below via email from Teresa Borton, our Health Care Center's Director of Nursing. As we know, while most of our 600-plus residents at Beatitudes Campus are in independent living and while it is an adjustment for all of us to follow the protocols of staying in, it is particularly challenging for folks in healthcare centers or in hospitals who cannot see their families.  I found what follows so creative, so caring, so inspiring---so indicative of the spirit of community at our Beatitudes Campus—a true day brightener that I wanted to share.

Here is Teresa’s message: 

The Nursing Staff at the our Health Care Center have noticed that the residents are a little sad these days, they cannot see their families, they do not know when this is all going to end, so many unknowns. So Felicia one of our CNAs and our Unit Coordinator Denise decided to do a window decoration.  Not just any window decoration. They put up the message, cut out multiple colors of butterflies, taped it all to the window, told the residents that starting today they will ask them their fears and concerns and they will write them on the butterflies and then they will watch them fly away by moving the butterfly away from the window and down the hall…..

beatitudes campu butterflies.jpg