Church Jottings 5/11/20


Kelly was unanimously approved for Ordination pending Call at her Ecclesiastical Council on Sunday, May 3rd.  Clergy and parishioners from throughout the Southwest Conference of the UCC called in for a very unique gathering (that’s usually done in person with much hugging afterwards!). Kelly spoke of her journey as a person of faith and all its fits, starts, and holy guidance. She shared her theological grounding, and her hopes for where ordination in the UCC will continue to grow her life and ministry forward.  Kelly is wasting no time either!  She graciously agreed to offer the sermon yesterday at Rincon!

Hope House, a homeless shelter project of Church of the Red Rocks, continues to make progress toward construction with the geo-technical study, soil samples, and environmental review either finished or in process. The RFP (Request for Proposal) is almost ready to send out for bid. 

The Sahuarita Food Bank, a mission of The Good Shepherd in Sahuarita, has served almost double the normal number of families in the last 5 weeks. Gov. Ducey assigned 10 National Guard folks to assist. The Food Bank also provides food for 120 families at a local school and excess produce with churches in Amado and Ajo. 

First Congregational UCC in Albuquerque is exploring becoming a WISE congregation, an intentional study of mental health and wellness, stigmas related to mental illness, and access to community resources. 

Protect Yourself and Others with "Love" Face Masks

Show God's love and keep yourself and those around you safe with UCC face masks.

These new love-themed masks are constructed of lightweight polyester with a pocket for filters and fit most with ease. Washable with filter removed; hang to dry.

Proceeds from sales support the mission of the United Church of Christ and fund the national setting’s ability to continue to respond to the ongoing needs of the church as we pray for the safety of loved ones and those on the front lines of the pandemic.

$7.99 each; 5 for $29.99. Order here.

There has been surge of need in Arizona as people are struggling to afford groceries. Congregational Church of the Valley is collecting non perishables for Vista del Camino, a community center currently distributing to needy families. Carol and Rick Powell delivered 209 pounds of food and other necessities to them last Friday.

Church of the Palms and Scottsdale UCC each were fortunate to receive approval and disbursement of SBA PPP loans this week!

A closing Prayer from Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick-Gray, President, Unitarian Universalist Association

Spirit of Life, Source of All, hear our prayer:

   In this time of global pandemic, when fear and suffering are so much with us, keep our hearts open to love and guided by compassion. Steel our hearts against the urge to withdraw and pull away from the care and welcome of all neighbors.

   Help us to reject the temptation of false voices calling for a return to normal, knowing that what was normal marked too many lives and whole communities as expendable. Give us strength and courage to call forth, to organize, to pull together and demand a new way of being rooted in compassion and interdependence that nurtures a future where all life and our planet may thrive.

   In this holy time, when we are physically distant and yet our our interconnectedness is undeniable, help us to feel the great web that holds all of us. May we lean more fully into its beauty, its truth and the power of it to guide our way forward in love and justice.