Jottings 11/1/2021

Rev. Pamela Shepherd passed away on October 25. We hold her Taos UCC congregation, community, and especially Pam’s family and friends in prayer.  Conference Minister Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons offers this prayer:

“Loving God, thank you for Pamela's life and ministry, for all the ways she inspired and cared for us, and for her leadership in both the Church and the community. For her, release from a painful, broken body and entering into Your everlasting care is complete healing. We grieve for ourselves, "not as ones who have no hope, for we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and God will bring with Jesus all who fall asleep in him.” Receive Pamela, Loving God, into your presence as a lamb in your own flock, a sheep of your own fold, a daughter of your redeeming. Grant to her the joy of hearing you say, "Well done, good and faithful servant." As you hold her in gentle hands until the day our hope is realized in Christ Jesus, also hold us in your care.”

A memorial service for Pam will be held on Saturday, November 13th, at 10 AM at First Presbyterian Church of Taos (215 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos, NM 87571). There will be a Zoom option for those who can't join in person:

From Rev. Dr. John Dorhauer, President and General Minister of the UCC (and previous SWC Conference Minister): (edited from the original)

“Not every day, but for my sabbatical I am going to get in my car and drive into city, town, and berg and sit down with our clergy. I will ask one question: tell me about the last 18 mos. 

First, I need to know what you are dealing with and living through. I can't lead without knowing that. So I am listening. 

Second, there are two very big tasks as we come to what we hope is the end of pandemic. 

We need to understand the depth of and the impact of what the collective trauma is doing to us, especially our clergy. They have made enormous sacrifices to help us all heal and thrive in the midst of this horror film we have been living through. We don't want to heal this wound lightly. We need to learn what we are experiencing and what we have to care for our care-givers. 

And, we need to explore what the next articulation of being church looks like on the other side of the pandemic. We didn't just adjust to forces beyond our control. We adapted and learned things that we know will serve us well on the other side of this.”

A crew of volunteers from Casas Adobes visited Keeling Elementary last week for training. The Reading Sprouts volunteers will be tutoring 2nd graders beginning next week.

Donors and future donors, volunteers, community leaders, as well as members and friends of the Good Shepherd United Church of Christ will enjoy a sneak peek and guided tour of the Sahuarita Food Bank and Community Resource Center’s new building on November 9th.  It will provide the space and improved efficiency needed to vastly improve food distribution, as well as services and classes designed to support their participants’ journeys to overall well-being.

The Southwest Conference UCC is pleased to share the attached invitation to the Installation for the Rev. Susan Valiquette on Sunday, November 7th at 3:00 pm as Pastor and Teacher of 1st Church UCC Phoenix.   Rev. Sue Joiner, Pastor of First Congregational Church UCC Albuquerque, will be preaching and all are invited to attend. Clergy are invited to wear robes and be prepared to process at the beginning of the service. 

On SATURDAY, November 20th, Desert Palm UCC will enjoy an Outdoor Socially Distanced Family Reunion!  They will take advantage of the cooling temps and declining number of new COVID cases by gathering outdoors in person to say hi to each other, have a snack, and sing some hymns!

Church of the Palms will be holding two classes on suicide from 10:00-11:30 a.m., Nov. 9th and 16th, in King Hall and online.  Masks are required and seating with social distancing. This will be a safe (unrecorded) environment to talk about one of the most difficult subjects in our lives: words hard to say — suicide and suicide prevention. The class will provide an opportunity to learn tools, resources and creative ways to have a real conversation with the people in your life. You don’t need special training to have an open, authentic conversation about mental health. Often, just talking about it can be the first important step in staying connected for yourself or someone else and helping get support or treatment if needed.  Bringing up the subject of suicide DOES NOT increase the chances that a person will become suicidal or be more apt to act on such thoughts or impulses. In fact, it is just the opposite.

In preparation of Pride weekend in Phoenix: