Church Jottings 7/26/2021

Rev. Lynne Hinton will join the staff at First Congregational UCC in Albuquerque as their  Interim Minister for Children, Youth, and Families.  Lynne was the interim minister during Rev. Sue’s sabbatical in 2019.

On the 3rd Wednesday of each month, First Congregational UCC in Prescott provides a meal and sundry items to women and children staying at the Prescott Area Shelter Services. Thanks to First’s team of volunteers, they helped to brighten the lives of 22 PASS residents on July 21st. 

Last Saturday, a group from Desert Palm, met at La Tiendita, a Colombian restaurant in Mesa.  The idea was to gather folks who are interested in practicing their Spanish (or starting to learn) and/or who would like to learn more about central and South American tradition and culture. 

Last year over 500 persons died from heat related causes in Maricopa County.  In response to this, First Church UCC, Phoenix has become a cooling center to provide water and a place to rest.  In making a personal contact with Pastor Susan Valiquette, Rev Tom from Desert Palm learned that the immediate need is mats for people to lie on to rest or sleep.  The AZ Food Bank is currently providing a sufficient supply of water.  Therefore, to support our SWC sister church, First Church UCC, Phoenix, Rev Tom is coordinating an effort to supply mats for this important ministry being provided.   Contributions may come in the form of a mat(s) which can be left at the church, cash donations or going to the church website and making a contribution to purchase a supply.

THIS MONDAY, July 26, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Dr. William J Barber II, and Barbara Arnwine are coming to Phoenix!   They'll be leading a rally, march and nonviolent sit-in at Senator Kyrsten Sinema's office to demand immediate climate action to defend our democracy. Arizona Interfaith Power & Light's Rev. Doug Bland will be attending the march representing AZIPL.  Together, they will be calling on Senator Sinema to end the filibuster, pass bills defending our freedom to vote, and act to improve the lives of working people, including raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour.

CLICK HERE for registration and event details.

The theme of this year’s synod was “Rooted in Love,” based on Psalm 1:3a; “They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season.” Using the theme as her basis, retired pastor and author Maren Tirabassi offered a reflection titled “Beatitudes of the Roots,” that Pastor Mike from Church of the Painted Hills shared in his weekly update and that I share with you.

Beatitudes of the Roots -- Maren C. Tirabassi

Jesus opened the psalms and looked ahead to our days, then began to speak,

teaching people so far in the future there were places called “churches,” saying ...

Blessed are the roots of the Spirit, for they are churches deep in the dirtiest dirt of the world.

Blessed are water roots, for they are churches that sustain those floating on


Blessed are creeping roots, spread wide and planted shallow, churches that support transitions, not traditions.

Blessed are the roots that feed the hungry of the earth, the carrot and yam, potato and red radish churches, for their own hearts will be nourished.

Blessed are healing roots, ginger and ginseng, turmeric and ashwagandha, for they are churches of where everyone ... everyone receives compassion.

Blessed are the taproot churches, that keep people anchored, even when God seems invisible because of the canopy of busyness or pain or injustice.

Blessed are the leaf makers, for they don’t need to see the sun to believe in the photosynthesis of the Holy Spirit. Churches full of elders trust that God’s light touches a five-year-old’s face, God’s breath becomes the carbon dioxide for an adolescent’s oxygenated call for justice.

Blessed are those who have been root bound by a church in the past too small hearted to love them, for their re-potting will be planted in the realm of God.

Blessed are you when you feel like your faith home has tossed you out like last year’s Christmas tree, withheld the compost of kindness, left you unwatered in a long drought of caring. Rejoice and be glad, for God alone holds the trowel and you will be deeply rooted in love.

Thank you to Scottsdale UCC for the link to 4 short videos (about 1 minute and a half each) of highlights of UCC President John Dorhauer’s  State of the Church address to General Synod.


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