Church Jottings 8/2/2021

Thanks to the Little Food Pantry (LFP) Stewards, Taos UCC has been keeping their LFP on Straight Arrow Road stocked with food daily for the last 18 months.  Sadly, someone ran over the LFP recently and it will have to be rebuilt.  But, happily, generous UCC donors to the LFP program throughout this year provided enough money in the budget to rebuild the box!  The LFP has been used heavily this year and has been helpful to the neighborhood. 

Marc Gaston is the Music Director at Desert Palm.  His brother, Michael, has been moved to the ICU with COVID.  Michael's wife, Darcy, had also tested positive, but has since recovered. Michael's situation continues to be very serious. Please hold the whole Gaston family in your prayers.

On Saturday, July 17, 2021 Sun Lakes UCC welcomed Rev. Jayne Hubbard as their Bridge Pastor for the next 6 months. She's also the part time minister and a member of Black Mountain UCC church in Scottsdale, AZ.

The Arizona Faith Network was part of a coalition of groups that organized a "Moral Monday" rally, march, and sit-in at Senator Kyrsten Sinema's Phoenix office last Monday, asking that she support the passing of the For the People Act, restore the Voting Rights Act, raise the federal minimum wage to $15, and put an end to the filibuster.  Faith leaders gathered for breakfast at First Institutional Baptist Church, and then proceeded to Kachina Park in Phoenix for a rally featuring Barbara Arnwine, Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., and Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II.  After the rally, the group about 300 marched to Senator Sinema's office, where 39 were arrested outside the Senator's office while praying, singing, and participating in a peaceful sit-in.  Several UCC clergy and members participated.

Pastor Sue at First Congregational in Albuquerque will be part of a churchwide initiative to talk about “things that matter” in her August series: “I’ve Been Meaning to Ask…” This will be the focus of worship and a conversation each Sunday morning.

Thank you from First Church Phoenix to friends from Desert Palm UCC in Tempe for donating 45 yoga mats for the guests of the cooling center. We are grateful to be in partnership with you.

You are invited to Taos UCC’s blessing for their new space:
This Tuesday August 3, at 9 am Carrie Moon will be leading a sage cleansing and blessing ceremony for our new space and the people using it. There will be an opportunity for sharing prayers and intentions for our own Taos UCC space. Address is: 209 F Merced. Blessing will be about 30 minutes.

Rincon has just been notified that Casas Alitas, the refugee shelter in Tucson, will begin receiving over 200 additional guests a day.  Migrant shelters in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas alone will be sending at least 135 people a day, six days a week.  Rincon's Soup Ladies have been making 10 to 12 gallons of soup each Monday, but hope to be able to start making 15 to 17 gallons while Tucson is getting people from all over the border area.

First Congregational in Albuquerque received word from One Community Auto that they are the third highest recipient of car donations. They have received $6,274 in recent months.  They are fully inclusive and welcome vehicles of any kind from anyone. Pastor Sue’s former mechanic just donated one.

The Rev. Dr. Cindy Parker has been with The Church of the Red Rocks since March 2017.  The church is so grateful to have had such an energetic leader and teacher for the past 4 years. Pastor Cindy and family will be off to their new life adventure soon.  She  will be dearly missed.  Her husband, Larry, has also been a welcomed asset to the church – mainly working behind the scenes with technical issues, taking photos, and even heading up the Chili Cook-off Fundraisers!

Considering the increasing number of hate crimes, divisive rhetoric about racial justice, political polarization, voter rights questions, and disparity of opportunity between people of color and the mostly white Sun City, the Social Justice Action Team at Church of the Palms has embraced the 15 action steps approved and recommended by the UCC Southwest Conference.  We should all embrace them.  

  • Speaking up whenever you hear a comment or joke that marginalizes Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color.

  • Asking Black, Indigenous, and People of Color what their needs are.

  • Using your money to support businesses and ministries of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.

  • Forming partnerships with congregations of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.

  • Reading books, watching performing arts events, and drawing on theological resources featuring Black, Indigenous, and People of Color to deepen understanding and appreciation of the history, contributions, and culture of these groups of people.

  • Learning with white friends and family about white privilege, white fragility, and white supremacy.

  • Preparing church newsletter articles featuring the contributions of, and/or discriminatory practices against, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.

  • Telling and hearing the stories of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color and their rich and diverse heritage in New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas.

  • Including elements in worship services that reflect the needs and experiences of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color present in your congregation and in your community.

  • Inviting Black, Indigenous, and People of Color into leadership roles and explore governance structures that reflect their experience.

  • Learning about and supporting organizations in New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas that make it a mission to be advocates for racial equality and work against racial injustice.

  • Writing op-eds or letters to the editor about issues of bigotry, white supremacy, or racism in your communities.

  • Assessing your congregation’s racial diversity, equity and inclusion. Participate in the UCC’s racial diversity, equity, and inclusion assessment of the National setting of the United Church of Christ.

  • Inviting a Sacred Conversations to End Racism facilitator of the Southwest Conference to present a program in your congregation. (Please consider attending the Sept. 7 Ecumenical Retreat in Prescott: Solidarity—Anti-Racism Training—Rev. Joan Crawford)

  • Making a public witness like putting a Black Lives Matter sign at your church or on your lawn and prepare yourselves to welcome Black, Indigenous, and People of Color who may come to our churches, and for conversations with people who demonstrate white fragility because you take this step.

Some of these action steps they are already taking. Others will require more work. But what the Mod(erator) Squad and Social Justice Action Team loves about Church of the Palms is that they “Share God’s Unconditional Love, (Racial) Justice and Extravagant Welcome.” May it be so in increasing measure!