Jottings 5/30/2022

First Congregational Church in  Albuquerque is now a Racial Justice Church! Thanks go to their Racial Justice Team and all who worked hard to prepare for this vote.

Pastor Rock from Shepherd of the Hills and his partner have been hosting Miloš from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Miloš graduated from South Pointe High School last week after an amazing year despite many COVID hurdles and virtual learning challenges. He graduated with honors and was even able to attend some college classes thanks to the generosity of our community. Miloš will be leaving to go home on June 13th and all are going to miss him terribly, but are excited to watch him continue to grow into his creativity and thoughtfulness.

Here is an article from the National UCC about the New Mexico fires and its effect on United Church of Los Alamos and the work of Taos UCC in response.

St Matthew Methodist Church was well-represented in support of the now Rev. Andrew Ponder Williams at last Sunday’s Service of Ordination at Desert Palm UCC where he was ordained to the ministry of word and sacrament in the United Church of Christ. St. Matthew was the congregation where Andrew first discerned his call and they encouraged his journey.  

Congratulations, Andrew, and Godspeed!

The United Church of Santa Fe’s Children’s Garden will get started during worship on Pentecost Sunday with the help of master gardeners like Donna Clark and Nyla Rasmussen.  “Inch by inch, row by row, gonna make this garden grow!” Afterward the congregation will gather round to bless the brand new garden. The children will continue to “pray in the dirt” as they tend the garden during summer worship. 

Last week, Pastor Bethany at First Christian Church in Las Cruses talked about a phone line where you can call and get a pep talk from kindergartners. She testified that it lifts her spirits every time she calls and, judging by the thousands of people who call every day, it does the same for many others. So, if you would like to learn more about this sweet project from West Side Elementary, you can check out the article HERE. Or experience the joy for yourself and call Peptoc at 707-998-8410. 

Walking is great exercise, but the summer temps in AZ make it difficult.  In Sun City, folks may have to drive quite a distance to find an indoor, air conditioned mall or other area to take their daily exercise.  United Church of Sun City has opened its doors to any walker that would like a closer alternative.  Lisa Dunbar, the church nurse, says that 11 times round the sanctuary is equal to a half mile and there are friendly people to chat and walk with. The church encourages a healthy lifestyle, both physically and spiritually.

At the recent Faith in Action Ministry meeting at Church of the Red Rocks, Dave Stabenfeldt introduced the group to one of Manzanita Outreach’s international outreach projects. For some time, Manzanita Outreach has been a partner with First Mondays Sedona Community Meals and assisting with the start-up of The Hope House.  Manzanita Outreach and Kids Against Hunger are coordinating efforts to bring food to families in Ukraine displaced by the war. On June 25th, volunteers will gather to assemble food boxes to be sent to Ukraine and communities of displaced Ukrainians. Manzanita Outreach purchases the food and supplies needed to provide this support. The registration fee ($50 adults/$30 Children) helps to offset these costs.

In April, Sun Lakes UCC collected $650 and 125 pounds of food to donate to AZCEND.  AZCEND is a local Chandler organization that “changes lives by nourishing minds and bodies to create a connected, thriving community.”  Last year their Food Bank distributed 12,968 food boxes which was enough to feed 48,189 individuals for at least 3 days.

On Wednesday, June 1, from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. via Zoom, join Arizona Faith Network (Theological Dialogue Commission) in a connection of enrichment to build understanding between people of different faiths and beliefs. The guest speakers will cover the basic tenants and teachings of Judaism.


The Casas Adobes Reading Sprouts 16-member tutoring team completed a challenging year at Keeling school with an ice cream social.  The 16 students in this year’s program enjoyed sundaes, received books from their tutors, and took a group photo.  The tutors worked this year with 2nd graders for the first time in the eight years of the program’s existence. With all students having lost ground due to the pandemic, the school believed the assistance could be best utilized there.   Although the program had to be started and stopped several times during the year for precautionary reasons, most students were still able to make substantial progress with their reading.

Oro Valley UCC recently celebrated two pivotal anniversaries in its community life. The first was the 30th anniversary of the beginning of Oro Valley UCC and its mission. In addition to celebrating their own beginning, they also celebrated the new life God continues to speak and reveal as they marked the one-year anniversary of the unanimous vote to become an Open and Affirming congregation! “Especially in times of continued challenge, it is necessary to remember how God called us into being and how over 30 years, even as recent as last year, God continues to call us and reveal the transformative Spirit amongst us.”

Pastor Sarah from Church of the Good Shepherd in Albuquerque will be going on sabbatical from July 4 - October 4. The Rev. Steve Miller, in partnership with the Church Council, Care Team, and Ministry Teams will cover preaching and pastoral care during that time. Rev. Miller served as an interim minister at Church of the Good Shepherd 20 years ago. One of Pastor Sarah’s plans is to practice her rock climbing. Rock climbing has always been a meditative practice for her. In addition, she plans to do at least one backpacking trip in Colorado, to become more involved in local community service projects, and to tackle some of the theological and church leadership books that have been on her list.

Pastor Gloria of Encanto Community Church UCC is also headed for sabbatical.  ellie hutchinson will serve as the interim sabbatical pastor.  Professionally, ellie describes herself as a Curious Explorer, currently teaching GED Language and Social Studies classes at Rio Salado College. She also is a PT Social Justice Organizer with the AZ Faith Network and provides guidance to The Fountains UMC on the Mission work beyond Fountain Hills. For fun, she teaches creative writing and storytelling.  In her “spare time,” she provides Chaplain Support for the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, the San Francisco Night Ministry, and volunteers with St Peter’s Episcopal Church inside Perryville Women’s Prison in Goodyear. ellie has discovered by writing out her spiritual journey for the Member-in-Discernment process with the Southwest Conference of the UCC, that she has always been destined to be a pastor. 

Some Green Justice Tips from First Congregational in Albuquerque

 -Refuse fast fashion allure and consumerism pressures. Reduce the amount of clothing you buy. Reuse your garments for many years. Repair minor problems like a missing button or a loose hem. Recycle textiles responsibly. 

 -Go thrifty; save the earth! When you purchase from a thrift or second-hand store, your choice uses fewer resources, generates fewer emissions and less waste, gives other people work, extends the life of the clothing, and keeps textiles out of the landfill. 

-Read the clothing labels. Avoid fossil-fuel-based synthetics (polyester, nylon, acrylic, spandex, lycra). Choose items made of natural fibers (organic cotton, linen, wool, silk, hemp), recycled materials and fibers (including polyester), or sustainable plant-based Tencel.

-When you need to buy clothing, shop for the company not just the product. Support businesses that practice sustainability and fair worker treatment in their products and production. Here’s a list of 35 Ethical and Sustainable Clothing Brands.

 -Make your clothes last longer. Wash them in cold water, which is less damaging than hot. Wash a full load, which reduces the agitation’s wear-and-tear on the items. Add a few pinches of salt rather than color-“safe” chemical bleaches, which are hard on the materials. Choose other natural remedies for getting stains out.

-Look at what you are wearing. Whose hands cut the fabric? Whose labor stitched the pieces? Were they safe in their working conditions? Were they paid a living wage? Pray and advocate for garment workers. When you dress, say a blessing for those who provide for you.